Safety on Safari

5 Practical Tips for Your Safety While on Safari in South Africa

The excitement of being on another continent, the buzz you get from doing something completely out of your comfort zone, and the thrill of seeing majestic wild animals up close – these are some of the great delights of going on an African adventure. Yet, while the appeal is strong, you also want to ensure your safety while on safari. It is a strange, new experience and, while you want to enjoy it for that reason, you also don’t want to be caught unawares and ruin your experience.

So, without spoiling the fun, here are some great and practical safety tips while on safari:

  1. Take an effective insect repellent with you and use it liberally. Being in the bush, there are bound to be bugs around. The last thing you want to do is spend half of your holiday being annoyed by itchy bites and scratching.
  • The same goes for sunscreen. The African sun can be harsh – even in winter. If you are not used to it, make sure you take some protection with you. A sore sunburn can really spoil an entire holiday, which is unnecessary, since it is completely avoidable.
  • Wear appropriate clothing. In addition to sunscreen, wear a hat and other clothing that can protect you from the sun. It can get very hot, so you want something cool. However, nights and early mornings can be very cool, so you also want something to keep you warm. If you are going to go hiking in the bush, make sure that you have comfortable and protective walking shoes. Furthermore, stay away from bold, bright coloured clothing that could attract unnecessary attention.
  • An obvious, but vital tip for your safety on safari is to never venture into the bush alone without a guide. Guides are trained to spot danger and to handle encounters with wild animals. You are not.
  • Professional guides will always give you a safety briefing before going on a safari drive. One of the most important things is to never get out of the vehicle, stick anything out of the vehicle, or open the windows (if applicable) without the express consent of the guide. While accidents are very few, wild animals can be unpredictable. This is their territory, and we must respect it.

For more information and tips on your safety while on safari, contact Lukimbi Safari Lodge. We will gladly provide you with any information you might need and assist you with your holiday booking.