Safari in Kruger National Park

7 Useful Packing Tips for an Unforgettable Safari in the Kruger National Park

There are few things as exciting as a holiday away, especially if that holiday is a wonderful safari in the Kruger National Park in South Africa. Packing for your vacation is perhaps not the most exciting part of the entire getaway but it is worth doing it properly to ensure you have a magical time while on your adventure. Here are a few practical tips to keep in mind while packing to make sure your safari in the Kruger National Park is nothing short of incredible:

Lions on Safari
  1. Clothing: Careful with colour. Pack clothes that are comfortable and easy to move in and stay away from bright colours. Remember that you are on a safari in the Kruger National Park and dust might make white clothes look dirty quickly.
  2. Shoes: Comfort is king. There is no need to buy fancy hiking boots unless you are planning a proper hike at some point. Pack comfortable walking shoes – ones which you won’t mind to get a bit dirty.
  3. Think sun. The African sun can have quite a bite and the last thing you want to sit with while on holiday is an unpleasant sunburn. Bring a sun hat, some sunscreen, and sunglasses.
  4. Pack medication and must-have toiletries. While you will be able to get the basics at some of the stops and at the lodge you’re staying, you won’t always be close to a town or shops. So, if there is anything you specifically need, like prescription medication, make sure it is in your bag.
  5. Smile for the camera! While you want to live in the moment and take in all the splendour of nature, there are bound to be moments you’d want to capture for looking at again later.
  6. Carry some cash. There is only one bank in the Kruger National Park, and that is at Skukuza. Take some cash with you or draw some when you enter the park through Skukuza.
  7. Bring a book. There will be moments during your safari where you will have some downtime to enjoy. Pack a book or some other activity to keep you busy as you relax in the comfort of your room or on your private viewing deck.

That’s all you need. As for the rest, leave it to Lukimbi Safari Lodge, situated in the easily accessible southern part of the Kruger National Park. Book your accommodation with us and we’ll take care of all your needs. As our guest, you are in for a real treat.